Friday, May 25

My first scare...

SO, a warning to all you pregnant women out there: dont over-exert yourself - pulling a ligament is no laughing matter! Lunchtime in KL and I was feeling something akin to a strain or cramp in my lower abdomen - nothing to write home about, I thought, and continued walking...
Cue two hours later, and were sitting outside Maharajalela station and I cant stand up anymore. The pain is spreading up to and past the right of my navel and becoming more intense. Dan and I abandoned our plans to find Chinatown, and headed off to Asian Heritage Row (near Medan Tuanku station) to try to find a coffee shop/bar.


By this stage I couldnt sit on a stool and had to recline on a sofa, getting more and more panicked about the increasing amount of pain. After one drink I just had to head home to lie down, where the pain kept increasing, even at rest.
I ended up in tears, as much out of a total lack of understanding for what was going on in my body than the pain, and had to call the doctor... at which point I totally broke down.
After a reasonable consultation, an explanation of what to look out for (in case it was premature labour) and a lot of reassurance that it was probably a strained ligament I calmed down, and we eventually made it out to a very quiet but lovely dinner.

LESSON: They dont tell you to take it easy for nothing...


Anonymous said...

It is really scary when something like that happens. I got a slight touch of food poisoning I think in about the 22nd week and I was really worried because I didn't know what was going on just than I had really strong pains in my stpomach. I couldn't believe that I had made it that far but that the baby wouldn't be okay if it had been born then. Very scary! I'm sorry that happened to you and relieved that it's all okay.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!