Sunday, April 29

rock your body

The little one can hear as of this week, so I've constructed a tummyspeaker on an elasticised belt, with headphone splitters, so that we can listen to the same tracks whilst I have my iPod on on the tube.
Unfortunately silver was the only colour I could find a stretchy belt in, big enough to accommodate the bump, but I'll just have to go beyond fashion... :-)
If anyone out there wants to buy a "Baby Boomer", orders taken here, so mail me and I'll make one for you!


Anonymous said...

Great idea. I wouldn't worry too much about the silver belt . . . . . thankfully s/he can only hear through your layers . . . . not see ;-) ! What are you both listening to?

optimist prime said...

Single Gun Theory at the moment - very trancey and happy...

Anonymous said...

I obviously need to get out more! I've never heard of that. Trancey sounds great though . . . . . . I could do with a bit of that now!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make out what your tatoo was in the other picture but this one shows it really well. Is it a dragon? Is it your own design? I like it, it looks relaly friendly. It's going to be quite annimated soon with all the kicking going on . . . . . . your dragon will come to life!

optimist prime said...

I know! Its stretching by the day!!!
Its a tesselation by M.C.Escher - just a portion of what could be an infinite pattern if I'd kept going! I can't wait to start seeing movements...